Special announcement—a brand new edition of hand lettered garden markers is coming to Jaded Studios very soon! 🎉
Wow oh wow, am I excited!!! I am hoping you can’t hear me squealing all the way over there (or can you?). 😊 But, there are simply so many squeals happening over here, as I have been sitting on this new release-to-be for a while.
If you recall, I hinted in my New Year’s post that verrrrrrry soon, I would be able to share more details about a new, modified edition of my bestselling plant labels—and today is that day!
Like my original 100% bamboo markers, these stylish garden stakes are hand lettered in my classic font…but this edition is hand pressed with so much love! 😍 I am swooning over the fact that this batch has an almost engraved look to it, thanks to this new style. And, like my other editions, these hand pressed labels are lettered in a durable oil-based ink to hold through all sorts of garden temperaments. So, if you’ve been eyeing the originals but wanted a slightly different look, these pretty newbies will be perfect for your beautiful garden come gardening season!
This hand pressed edition will be available in custom sets of 10 or 15 from a selection of 20 different herb/vegetable choices. The original personalized edition will of course remain available for alternate lettering styles or a broader array of garden label options, but rest assured, the 20 available for this Jaded Studios exclusive include all your favorite kitchen herbs. The selection also includes the more popular garden delights you may be planting this season. You’re sure to find your favorites! 😊
I will have more details as we get closer to the release of these new stakes, but I will say for now that they will be at the ready for you to grab just in time for gardening season—and well before, depending on where you’re located. Hurray for lovely and custom gardens!What are you most excited to plant this season? I hope you’ll share below. I just love hearing what all of you are growing each year!
As for these markers—more news soon, and thank you for reading!